New tendencies in news criteria
Consensus: Focus on telling stories that do not use "conflict", especially on foreign news.
Constructive news: Telling stories that give solutions, inspiration and shows that the world is not a crazy and dangerous place.
Conversational potential: It's an important factor, whether the media will tell story - does it create conversation and debate?
Chaos reduction: Especially in TV; the less use of cases and instead more time devoted to explanatory news, where the media offers explanation and understanding.
Internal criteria for news within media houses
Substance or "societal significance" takes a back seat more often lately. Those who work with news and journalism have other things to consider.
Solo-news: Be first with latest news, be ahead of your competitors. Exclusiveness is important.
LIVE: Great value is in LIVE transmissions. It adds value if there is potential for LIVE talk, direct questions and replies in dialogue with a studio host.
"Keep it - the story - hot": When the media house intends to keep a story "hot" in society, for example with very long term process like elections.
The Good Photo: Photo opportunities is important as a criteria. The dramatic, surprising and beautiful photo (or video) often contains news value that is beyond the photo or video itself.
Referencing a TV-universe: When media houses report on events in fictional sitcoms, or other TV contests, such as X-factor or dancing shows.
Crime, entertainment and sex have also been given greater news value lately.
Expressions of news
The principle of the most significant first and then less significance as you tell the story.
- Headline
- Subtitle
- Introduction
Event description: The accurate description of for example a speech or statement.
News interview: Follow up interview with an expert or source, to give a human dimension to the news coverage.
News report: A "feature"like description based on observation and statements from sources at the center of events.
News analysis: A "subjective"like commentary from experts that put the story in perspective.
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